Austrian Consulting 2001

Austrian Consulting 2001

The project is a hotel construction with some 26,000 square metres of conditioned surface that was built in a suburb of the Jordanian capital. The ACE-Group skillfully combined architecture and technical building equipment to produce an energy saving and aesthetically pleasing construction. Parts of the lobby and apparatus areas were accomodated in an artificial hill that serves as a heat accumulator and dampens cooling and heating load peaks. The installation of heat recovery systems and the use of central process control technology permit energy consumption values that are some 60 percent lower than those of similar hotel buildings.  The seperation of “grey” wastewater represents an added ecological advantage for a hotel complex in a country with sparse water resources. While such energy and water saving measures are standard practice in Europe, this is by no means the case in the Middle East. The project was nominated in recognition of the fact that the ACE-Group pushed through the energy saving construction and operation in the face of indifference on the part of the customer and tough international competition.

The project was nominated for the Austrian Consulting Award 2001.

Vision becomes reality