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Archiv für Kategorie ‘News’Anerkennungspreis Neubau Bafep 213. Rang Wettbewerb BG/BRG Purkersdorf Neubau Expositur TullnerbachReininghaus Quarter 12/Graz – 2nd Place Urban Design CompetitionThe ACE Group has won 2nd place in the urban design competition Graz Reininghaus Quarter 12. The proposal comprising 464 apartments, 2 schools and modest commercial area foresees a C-shaped closed-block structure surrounding a generous courtyard. The concept defines and reinforces the eastern edge of the central park at the heart of the new urban development of Graz Reininghaus. UNDP Mauritius 2017Removal of Barriers to Solar PV Power Generation in Mauritius Dr. Lari of the ACE Group led the project Terminal Evaluation of this UNDP/GEF project which was designed to accelerate sustainable on-grid PV electricity generation in Mauritius by leveraging $17.5 million in private sector investment over a four-year implementation period. UNDP Romania 2016Improving Energy-Efficiency in Low Income Households and Communities in Romania Dr. Lari acted as Energy and GHG Monitoring Consultant to complete an analysis of the effective energy and GHG emission reductions delivered through the GEF project activities over the lifetime of the measures implemented under the project. UNDP Armenia 2016Improving Energy Efficiency in Buildings ACE Group led the Terminal Evaluation of this UNDP/GEF project which was designed to reverse the existing trends and reduce consumption of electrical and thermal energy and associated GHG emissions in new and restored, primarily residential buildings in Armenia by creating an enabling regulatory environment andbuilding skills and capacity among industry professionals to introduce the principles of integrated building design in Armenian construction practices. Competition Reininghaus – Quarter 3/Graz2nd Competition Stage The concept of ACE Group under Dr. Adil Lari for the open Austrian-wide two-stage competition for the realisation of buildings for multi-purpose use (2015) is based on a clear separation between two attic floors with half-open free spaces above each as well as below intended for various purposes. On top of the two-floor plinth area along the esplanade accommodating trade, craft, offices and services, there are seven floors for residential use with very efficient multiple way-access to public infrastructure. UNDP Uzbekistan 2015Promoting Energy Efficiency in Public Buildings in Uzbekistan Dr. Lari led the Terminal Evaluation of this UNDP/GEF project which was designed to promote energy efficiency of on-going and future state-funded construction and renovation programmes in Uzbekistan by revising building norms and standards, building capacity of relevant government authorities and energy managers, and showcasing integrated building design approach through several demonstration projects. Recognition Award for Construction of Educational Campus Wien BerresgasseIn accordance with the requirements of a central public building in the urban development area Berresgasse/Ziegelhofstraße,ACE Group under Dr. Adil Lari created in 2015 a strong and clear educational campus with a serial sequence of equal parts, structured and eased by inside courtyards and loggias, with convincing inner logic of the room succession addressing all functional problems in the details. UNDP Malaysia 2015Building Sector Energy Efficiency Project (BSEEP) Dr. Lari led the Review and Validationof the Project Logframeof this UNDP/GEF projectwhose goal was to reduce the annual growth rate of GHG emissions from the Malaysia buildings sector. |
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