
CESB10 – Central Europe towards Sustainable Building Conference 2010

CESB10 – Central Europe towards Sustainable Building Conference 2010

From Theory to Practice
Prague, Czech Republik – June 30 to July 2 2010

In July 2010, Dr. Adil Lari presented the DEARSUN-Project, which was initiated in autumn 2008, at the CESP10 Conference which has a special focus on sustainable solutions for construction industry.

The goal of the EU-FP7 program, which was launched by the ACE-Group in cooperation with European industry and research partners, is the design and development of an innovative solar combi system which provides the opportunity to store solar energy generated during summer for heating and hot water demands in winter.

In contrast to common solar combi systems, which only ensure a short-term cover of energy needs, the DEARSUN-Concept successfully stores the surplus heat generated during the hot summer months. A specifically developed innovative storage tank as well as a new control concept ensures a significantly more efficient use of energy to cover the heating and hot water needs in small and medium-sized buildings.

Vision becomes reality