EuroSun 2010, Graz

EuroSun is Europe's largest conference on solar thermal energy. It is organized biennially by ISES Europe and is dedicated to a scientific audience in the field of solar energy.

EuroSun 2010, Graz

EuroSun 2010 – International Conference on Solar Heating, Cooling and Buildings, Graz 2010

EuroSun is Europe’s largest conference on solar thermal energy. It is organized biennially by ISES Europe and is dedicated to a scientific audience in the field of solar energy. Like EuroSun 2008 in Lisbon, EuroSun 2010 will be organised together with the IEA SHC program and will focus on solar heating, cooling and buildings. R&D has led to many promising innovations and developments in fields such as the supply of heating for buildings, process heat and solar cooling.

Dr. Lari was invited to present the FP7 sponsored DEARSUN project, which was initiated in 2008 to develop a solar thermal heating system capable of  covering the full-year heat and hot water load of a single family house using high temperature thermal storage.  ACE Group with a team of European solar thermal experts, research institutions and industrial partners designed and optimized the system combining off-the shelf and innovative components (heat transfer fluid, highly insulated storage tanks, control system) with the aim of creating an efficient, affordable and reliable solar thermal solution for small and medium sized buildings.  In 2009, the first prototype system was produced and installed on a pilot home.  Actual performance of the prototype system over the 2009-2010 heating period has been closely monitored using web applications and evaluated against simulations and system performance expectations demonstrating the promising potential of this renewable energy solution for homes in south and central Europe.

Vision becomes reality