Function as an expert on “Low Energy, Low Cost Social Housing for Enlarged Europe” (LOCOSOC). Dr. Lari was responsible for developing feasibility studies and pilot projects involving the EE rehabilitation of existing multi-family residential buildings as well as the review of national policy and the drafting of action plans.


LOCOSOC – Low-Energy and Low-Cost Social Housing for enlarged Europe, 2003 – 2005

Function as an expert on “Low Energy, Low Cost Social Housing for Enlarged Europe” (LOCOSOC).

Dr. Lari was responsible for developing feasibility studies and pilot projects involving the EE rehabilitation of existing multi-family residential buildings as well as the review of national policy and the drafting of action plans.

The main short-term goals of the project were to increase an awareness of policy makers, local and regional authorities, and all the market actors in associated countries on the possibilities for RUE and RES implementation in the built environment, to identify concrete approach for implementation of RUE and RES measures in the built environment in associated countries as pilot projects in the short-term horizon and to transfer know-how in the field of low energy and low cost social housing from participating EU countries.

Furthermore, it should provide the essential background materials to the national/regional/municipal authorities of the 5 associated countries under consideration helping them in setting their programs for implementation of low energy and low cost social housing and to disseminate the idea of low energy and low cost social housing to other EU associated countries than those directly participating, in the series of similar actions in the future.

In addition to the short-term goals, the long-term goals of the action were as follows:

to promote faster penetration of RUE and RES measures in the built environment in associated countries with the aim to reduce the demand for energy sources and contribute to solving key problems which the EU is facing: security of energy supply in enlarged Europe and reduction of the climate change risk and to create the policy framework for implementation of low energy and low cost social housing in associated countries as a vital alternative to the current energy intensive housing and thus contribute to solving both.

Vision becomes reality