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  • ASKÖ Center Graz Sustainable Architecture , News , May 2012

    The ACE Group provides for the ASKÖ Kickboxing Center Graz an integrative, ecological solution, which takes into account the city’s divergent appearance and offers refined functionality.

    The sustainable building project includes, in addition to the central sports fields and bleachers, a modern and bright area for athletes, as well as a representative foyer with buffet. read more

  • BCA Bildungscampus Aspern Sustainable Architecture , News , May 2012

    For the Bundes Immobilien Gesellschaft, our project „Bildungscampus Wien Aspern Seestadt“ provides  an integrative and ecological solution for urban lifestyle amidst unspoiled nature, encompassing an area of approximately 50.000 square meters.

    The sustainable building project includes a kindergarten, an elementary school, a school for children with limited motor skills, multi-functional recreation areas and extensive outdoor facilities. read more

  • Family Dental Center 3 in Los Angeles structurally complete Sustainable Architecture , News , January 2012

    Structural Works for the Family Dental Center in Los Angeles have been officially completed and works on the main façade have started. read more

  • Lecture on Architecture and Sustainability, Epoka University, Tirana, Albania News , Ecological Engineering , December 2011

    Tirana, Albania
    December 2011

    In the course of his visit to Tirana and the UNDP Project “FSP: The Country Program of Albania under the Global Solar Water Heating Market Transformation and Strengthening Initiative”, Dr. Adil Lari held a lecture on architecture and sustainability at the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture at EPOKA University, Tirana. read more

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