
Center for Renewable Energy

Center for Renewable Energy

The main task was the planning of a new seat for a company in the electrical and environmental technologies sector in Linz, Austria. According to the call, the building should be able to be built in two steps and it should comprise an office wing and a storage building. Part of the completed building is supposed to be rented out to other companies.

The concept followed the idea of Green Building with a focus on ecological and sustainable usability, which is comparable with the standards of contemporary low-energy housing. The plan included a test facility for alternative energy technologies with a green court yard as the calling card of the company to push sustainable environment technologies forward.

Both of the long office blocks are oriented at north and south and surround the courtyard at a pointed angle. This architectural impact of the two distinctive parts of the construction adds value to the industrial landscape and is an eye-catcher when driving by on the highway.

Vision becomes reality